Dr. Troy Gombert

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Luke Before and After


Luke has been a patient for many years and he talked about redoing his smile for quite awhile. He had some porcelain veneers on his front 4 teeth that he was not happy with. He was now ready to really redo his smile... we completed 10 porcelain veneers for a whole new look for him. I am happy to say that he has been "all smiles" since the procedure was finished

I had 4 veneers on the upper that I knew needed to be replaced. I felt comfortable with Dr. Gombert and when he recommended that we do more veneers based on the width of my smile, I took his advice and completed 10 porcelain veneers on the upper. I have loved it and everyone I know has given me compliments on my smile. I would easily recommend Dr. Gombert for anyone looking to have their smile done.


Treatment Goals:

  • replace front 4 veneers
  • brighten overall smile
  • very natural final appearance


  • 10 Porcelain Veneers
  • professional whitening for lowers

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